Reclaim Your Self
In life, the only thing that is stable, truthful, and will never leave you and never change is your True Self. What is your True Self? It is the part of you that is more beautiful, loving, kind, and all-knowing than you can ever imagine. It is Presence in you looking through you as love. It is that part of you that is wise, calm, peaceful, and compassionate to others and to yourself. It is that part of you that pays no attention to your thoughts that are causing your stress and knows they are not the truth, just running non-stop with senseless meaningless judgments. It is that part of you that knows how to navigate your life and choices with wisdom and clarity and take the action steps that keep you balanced and peaceful. Connecting with your True Self, receiving guidance from, and making this your primary focus will bring you peace. When you are in touch with and receiving wisdom from your True Self you operate from a level of intuition and inner knowing. There is not a lot of mental chatter just a knowing of what to do in the next moment with peace. So much of what is happening in today’s world is at the level of the mind. Decisions, judgment, and conclusions about what is happening and the cause and effect at hand are all illusions of the mind.
How can you connect with your True Self and calm the turbulence of the mind? There are many ways. Meditation, dancing, exercise, hiking, journaling or yoga. Yet one very powerful way is to bring awareness to and thus letting go of the thinking that is keeping you separate from your True Self. Your True Self is not in the realm of the mind. It is in the realm of BEING. Just being, witnessing, watching, and being at peace all the while detached from all the ups and downs you might be experiencing from the grip of you mind.
The mind by its very nature is designed to measure, form conclusions, and judge. This is where the Ego has it’s hold of you. And it goes non stop with its job. The mind is excellent at judging and evaluating. There is a deep place of peace and knowing we can step into if we allow ourselves to question the grip our minds have on us at this time.
Here are two tools that are available that can assist you in letting go of your mind in a way that is gentle yet very powerful. The first is the Work of Byron Katie. To do The Work, you simply fill out a worksheet to get your thoughts on paper. Sometimes just getting your thoughts on paper can help, but the real gift is in questioning each concept and thought. You can access this worksheet here.
The second is lesson from A Course in Miracles. ACIM offers a tool that has been very useful and helpful for so many to unravel where they have strong opinions about something. When you have a thought or judgment or form a conclusion about a person, situation, or event in the world that is causing you stress or anxiety step back and say to yourself “My thoughts about this situation do not mean anything”. This takes the value of judgment and authority out of your hands and out of the realm of your mind and allows you to just BE. You then invite in the presence of the Divine to show you the truth, letting go of judgement. Letting go of thinking you know and are in control allows you to receive the Presence of Self, Your True Self. Receiving a connection to who you are is an opportunity available for everyone and at any time. But we have to let go of the mind in order to do this and step aside and allow a deeper knowing and presence to live through us. Just for today or just for an hour today give this a try and see if this allows you to return to peace and the presence of your True Self.